About Us
A new Florida 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation(*) has been formed to represent our interests in securing environmental protection and sensible use of the Gates Creek watershed and protecting its surrounding neighborhoods. It is named “Save Gates Creek and its Neighborhoods, Inc.”
With over 180 members (and over 1850 supporters) in the Gates Creek neighborhoods, our nonprofit has representation in every community in this area.
Our immediate issue is in overturning the flawed commercial rezone vote and saving Gates Creek to avoid the serious flooding issues facing our neighborhoods if an 18.2 acre auto dealership is allowed to be built.
* We have received approval of our 501(c)(3) from the IRS. Donors can deduct contributions they make to Save Gates Creek & its Neighborhoods Inc as we are listed as a public charity.
Jay D O’Sullivan, President
Walter Wulczak, Vice President, Treasurer, SaveGatesCreek@gmail.com
Randy Clark, Secretary